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Sofyly - Gallery 1

C'est depuis un petit h�tel tr�s sympa de la France que cette petite s�rie a �t� r�alis�e en d�but d'ann�e. Etretat ville en bordure de mer ...Il y faisait tr�s, trop, froid pour vous faire une s�rie en ext�rieur, mais le cadre l'h�tel �tait tr�s cosy! Merci pour tous vos message � venire. Bises douces Sofyly

It is since a small very nice hotel in France that this small series was accomplished early in the year. Etretat city next to sea... He made there very, too much, cold to make you a series in outside, but the frame the hotel was very cozy! Thank you for every message you send. Kisses, Sofyly
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